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06:53 30/01/2015

mean those who rule AML in Sierra Leone , Gibril and his team, want absolute power, own managers , own people in mine, and port etc etc, seams like some kind of nationalize

06:50 30/01/2015

Guys , what I know , is those in power now in SL (

22:16 29/01/2015

+232 76 713 688 kweku lisk [email protected]

21:44 29/01/2015
21:27 29/01/2015

i agree liu, seems you were right

21:25 29/01/2015

Bngura , forwarded emails to Chinese , AW only to AML staff

21:22 29/01/2015

post said its about POWER look my previous post

21:22 29/01/2015

told you folks , ask even question who GB , AW or LIU , you thought it was a joke and so you laughed

20:55 29/01/2015

oms008 , surely somebody there can clarify this email.

20:11 29/01/2015

liu , how do you explain this?

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