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17:10 26/02/2015

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. [link] But while the west African country has yet to get the all-clear from the World Health Organisation — it needs to be Ebola free for sixty days — this week government ministers and a string of Sierra Leonean business leaders called for fresh investment to restart the battered economy.

17:07 26/02/2015
17:07 26/02/2015

News from SL (Yahoo); US military is now scaling down Ebola operations in Liberia / SL as the severity is now declining and this could result in re-investment into the area.

12:54 25/02/2015

I might add, I'm not a UK citizen (and don't live in the UK either), so I cannot participate in any MP mailings...

12:53 25/02/2015

I guess I own about 5000 shares (I have to check). Does not add much, sorry guys... I should be able to get an exact number by tomorrow and could then mail the info.

13:31 22/02/2015

This mine truly has potential to be world class mine and I do not think chinese would want to see this end up in hands of westeners at a fraction of a price. Esp since it has been them who have provided all onitial capital to get this thing to the state that it is in now.

13:27 22/02/2015

But what happens now? If the mine is put into admin there is a huge risk that so much effort of 4 years of work might be sold in admin for peanuts. I do not think SISg will eant this so a funding solution either by them or 3rd party could be just round corner. If AMI falls into admin FT will lose his stake and access to railway which he needs for Lond. But there will be another huge risk for him. 3rd parties may outbid him for the sale of the mine in admin which is practically set to run at ultra cost low value and at 25 Mpta pa.

13:19 22/02/2015

... thus putting the mine into C&M.

13:18 22/02/2015

From reading the RNS on 16th and previos ones it looks like AMI were on track for setting a record. I think funds must have been used to upscale the mine to 25Mpta which was mentioned. This upscale was part of phase 2. However, it now looks like pretty certain the chinese are clearly not happy about something. Perhaps the risk of ebola entering the camp also proved a risk

15:45 17/02/2015
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