Re: Down again No problem at all. I still think AIF is a good fund however sometimes it becomes foolish to fight the market sentiment. I still keep the entry in my portfolio and monitor movements with a view to buy when the time may look right...I bought BTEM after many years, RCP, CLDN, BTEM and SMT used to be some of my core holdings and dropped BTEM after a horrible period of getting nowhere. Now back in, hoping it will return to the former glory. I expect CLDN eat back into the huge discount it is trading at.
Re: Down again Nah!You're the one that jumped to the bait jus coz UEM was down for a few days but since has recovered ( I would add a smiley here but don't know how to do it). I only responded coz I like seeing this subject heading get repeated several times until people realise what a dawg AIF is. Gonna check out SMT and see what all the fuss is about.Er, where we're we, oh right ... AIF @341p - stunning investment !!!!! Down another 1.6% today.Bite on that pie PIE (smiley with tongue out)
Re: Down again Cimbom, it was actually a joke for Doug.....I suspected he would rise to the bait given our previous exchanges even though I had ridiculously quoted on a three week comparison.....(it was just the way things happened with the Presidential elections etc while I was on hols )What you invest in is entirely your situation and no-one else's....apologies if you thought otherwise, but as you can see from my response to Doug, when I get the urge to consider UEM then I usually end up topping up SMT, which I perhaps need to look at given how long I have held it, how successful it has been and the proportion of the holdings it now comprises....GLPE
Re: Down again Doug,it was a JOKE ....hence the smiley afterwards.....(I did wonder how long it would take you to respond)Anyone can quote statistics (there are lies, damned lies and statistics and may even benefit from the unexpected impact of Brexit and the falling pound giving all overseas holdings a boost) However, i wouldn't expect anyone (even you ) to quote or rise to the bait on a 3 week timescale!UEM has a place in many peoples portfolios, but not mine at the minute (who knows what will happen).AIF IS in my portfolio on a long term view (of currently about 14 years, with a 10yr performance of over 330% vs UEM under 270% which is still very respectable). The reason is that despite it's volatility on t's own, it is actually lowly or even negatively correlated with other holdings I have and consequently reduces the relative volatility of my holdings versus the benchmark I have, whilst still slightly outperforming month by month on a reasonably consistent basis. I fully appreciate others, including you, would not give AIF house room at the minute, which is fine. I believe I even said last month that I would not be tempted to increase my AIF holding at the moment. UEM is currently not for me (although I do keep an eye on it and every so often am tempted - but usually top up SMT instead) GLA ....even you Doug PE
Re: Down again If you must know.... I have switched some to BTEM, also topped up SMT also using part of my new year ISA allowance.
Re: Down again Nah. UEM up 20% in 1 yearAIF dn 7% in 1 yearIt's all about the timing. Look at those descending highs for AIF below. I know where I'd prefer to be. Enjoy your (humble) PIE PIE-EATER.
Re: Down again Unless of course you switched into UEM
Re: Down again good mov
Re: Down again I better report that I sold out last week as I could not see the market sentiment turning positive on these.
Re: Down again Significantly improved performance during the past three months, up today too. Good yield. Very promising portfolio. I will continue to hold.
Down again Biggest faller on my watchlist yet again. While the FTSE 100 and FTSE Small Cap are peaking this is still languishing around 360s. AIF is down YTD 3.2%. Discount now 4%. Pound tanking - good for exports or bad for economy/confidence? Cut losses and Sell.IMHO
Re: John Baron Sorry, reply seems to have not registered....Don't know what the purchase price was, but was after the reduction in base rates and from the sale of some bond holdings.While I rate this as a very strong hold longer term, not sure I would be buying more just at the moment because of my existing allocations.....would probably look at topping up Veritas Asian, Fundsmith or possibly Evenlode Inc (High Yarrow),......but probably only on pullbacks at the minute.PE
Re: John Baron AT what cost?
John Baron topped up Acorn Income Fund within Income Portfolio.....
Re: Discontinuation vote Well after last weeks heated discussion we now know AIF will continue for at least another 5 years. We will see where the share price is in 2021!!!