Annual charges? Oh dear me @PIE-EATER … is this munter still top of your pops?
Annual charges? Just out of interest, you still losing money on this munter? I could recommend a few hundred alternatives that would make you more money.
Re: Annual charges? All covered in monthly fact sheet....[link]
Annual charges? Can anyone advise of the annual charges for this IT? I cannot see it on the fact sheet strangely.
Re: Excellent news Also Doug,If you say you were quite happy with UEM, why did you post around the same time that you were thinking of selling?Sure I haven't dreamt that but not bothered enough to checkPE
Re: Excellent news Up yet again!Doug......perhaps you should finally acknowledge this trust just delivers better longer term.......although in comparison to UEM (completely different animal and I don't know why you suggested the comparison initially) it is over ANY term at the minuteIt is now ahead of UEM over 1, 3 and 6 months, and 1, 3 and 5 years....pretty comprehensive.It also generally has a higher yield to boot!Longer term got to be a strong buyPEps. perhaps you should reflect on your "pride and fall comment"
Re: Excellent news PIE EATER - I think you're overplaying your hand a bit. Be careful falling in love with a share - pride often comes before a fall.I'm quite happy with UEM's performance. A top munter (AIF) that's up and down (mostly down) like a wh0re's knickers is no use to me. AIF is now back to where it was 15 months ago - I'd be selling and switching at this point before the inevitable fall. Take some profit now ... if you've made any.I (still) know where I'd rather put my money this past year - see chart below - even though UEM hasn't moved since October it's still well above AIF over a year and now poised for a big surge as it is at a decent 11% discount to the NAV and has been knocking at these levels 3 times now. I bet in 3/6 months we'll see the gap widen yet again.
Re: Excellent news And with a near 14% rise in the last 3 months, this "Munter" is outpacing the trust we were advised to switch in to, which is up less than 7%.....(and which is 14% behind after last 6 months)I expect volatility to increase across all funds over the next few months, and AIF will be no exception, but I intend to continue holding for the long term (about 15 years now??) PE
Excellent news The rise in the quarterly dividend to 4.50 pence (by 28.5% over the Q1 last year) with a prospective full year dividend of 18.00 pence is excellent news for shareholders. Well done to the fund managers. Very happy to continue holding here.
Re: New issue ONEFOOTNo and No Managers must believe opportunities abound. Most sane people would regard many of the top 20 holdings have good long term prospects and that is actually something the managers spot quite well. PE
Re: New issue That's how I read it so I wont be taking up the offer but if anyone knows better I stand to be corrected.
New issue Help please. New Issue offered at 1% above NAV , currently 407p , but existing shares trading belw NAV at 363p . Is there any sense in subscribing to new issue ? Am I missing something ?
Re: Down again PIEHey you must be tempted to bail out on that stunning 0.72% rise m8. UEM = AIF=
Re: Down again Doug,As you obviously can't take a joke, and rose to the bait so quickly again at lunchtime, I, will draw this to a close.........AIF UP +0.72% at close...UEM unchanged. The pie was lovely! PE(If you look at the the left hand side of the message tab when responding you will see a little on it and you will have a choice of Smileys.........)
Re: Down again Was BTEM managed by John Walton at one time or have I got that mixed up?We also have a small RCP holding ( we work on a collective basis - my wife and I, SIPPS and ISA).....which allows us to use a more complete asset allocation.