Arian Silver Corporation Forum

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19:02 06/10/2014

was that buy at 30p significant?

21:17 29/09/2014

what do you mean buying out at 56p?

02:02 04/09/2014

40p 2morrow? 42p friday or next monday

14:08 08/07/2014

sure it is

18:38 23/06/2014

silver going up Arian going down. I agree , odd.

10:20 20/06/2014

reasonably encouraging video

06:37 20/06/2014


16:35 16/06/2014

at last, have we hit the bottom ?

09:40 16/06/2014

greenley, thanks that is helpful.

09:36 16/06/2014

oh, up a bit more!
