Re: Anyone know what's going on ? I posted the question the day before the News was announced and after 2 days of strong gains. Now its obvious.
Re: Anyone know what's going on ? How could you folks have missed today's massive game-changing RNS...[link]
Re: Anyone know what's going on ? [link] the press, but Angle not referenced.
Re: Anyone know what's going on ? What's going on? I'll tell you Angle, the holding vehicle for its research company is developing a diagnostic system that is going to transform detection itself of cancer, early detection of cancer, detection of a number of the 200 or so cancer types that afflict humans. It is potentially a staggeringly useful medical tool. The question that remains, and I believe it will be answered within 2 years, is how they will convert this piece of scientific brilliance into big revenues. One thing I am sure of (DYOR) is that they will make money. Like all R&D led companies, the beginning is always about cost of research and testing. And it is a long, rigorous process ensuring a product is effective for the global health markets.
Anyone know what's going on ? N
Re: Telegraph report There is a more recent one.
Re: Telegraph report Unfortunately the article you mentioned using Google search is over a year old.
Rise today Coming right at last?
Re: Telegraph report I'm using a tablet so can't cut and paste link but Google "daily telegraphangle cancer" and it is currently second on the list of results.
Re: Telegraph report Unfortunately the paper got binned but in brief it was a report on a cancer conference in the USA talking about liquid biopsies. It appears that there are several programs going on which identify cancer markers in blood samples that can identify cancer cells or DNA from them which can show the presence of cancers in patients years before symptoms appear.Tests seem quite well advanced and could lead to screening tests that could reduce the number of cancer deaths by large amounts by identifying patients with cancer at a much earlier stage than is presently possible.Bill Gates seems to be involved in providing funding for the researchAngle's Parsortix system was identified as a British project but it was not clear whether Angle had been present to give a presentation.It would appear that there are a few other players in the liquid biopsy game and time will tell who will win
Related subject Just reading a review on the Balillie Gifford website, discussion with James Anderson who manges Scottish Mortgage IT He is talking about the advantages of unlisted companies because they dont suffer from the short term'ism of listed ones. This company, one of two unlisted ones he quotes in his interview, and it refers to the significance for the future of liquid biopsies. I assume that is the same field that Angle is operating in. You can read the rest on site in the context of the whole but here is a section below: 'The second one is one that is just coming in to our portfolio and is typical in the sense that it is about relationships we have built up in the quoted world. So Illumina, which you will be aware we have owned for several years in size, is spinning off a company called Grail. Now, the objective of Grail is effectively to be able to identify most forms of cancer, hopefully at stage one, possibly at stage two. Now your ability then in healthcare terms, as you know, to address those cancers and to cure them is hugely strengthened, but it is also very good news for the economics of the system, because care at that level is much less expensive than the extraordinary bills for developed market cancer drugs that we have at the moment. Now, I think this is an important example not just because of the power of genomics as a foundational technology, but also where this meets the digital world. So the CEO of Grail comes not from a healthcare background directly, but invented something youll be very familiar with and you use when we are in London he was the inventor of Google Maps. Now, he had very sad but important personal reasons for involving himself in this project, but it is probably, to go back and to get into another theme, it is probably the biggest data issue that is out there at the moment and doing this at scale and trying to test that underlying approach in liquid biopsies on millions of people, as will be necessary, requires an ability to handle data at scale and with skill and with economic insight, in a way that I think most healthcare professionals would have found very surprising as a direction to go.'
Re: Telegraph report Do you have it?
Telegraph report Great report in the Telegraph today should bring some interest.
Re: Interesting There's the reason- but still low volume. Let's hope some big buyers move this forward towards 60p
Interesting Interesting one week graph and strong rise on virtually no volume.