Re: WE SHOULD EXPECT SOME PR THEN as I understand it ybhere, Afriag pty (SA branch) is 60% privately owned. From memory Paul de Robillard and AN others? Afriag Global plc having 40%interest. That said, we as shareholders do not get to see any of the accounts for Afriag pty. Afriag pty can spend as much as they like, pay directors, consultants and anyone else as much as they like, without any shareholder having any say or vote. After that is all done, they throw Afriag Global plc 40% of whatever is left as profitI also own Afriag stocks, that is Afriag that is now Afriag Global plc. From what I am reading Afriag Global have announced this partnership with LGC. However the partnership (60%)? is with Afriag pty (SA branch), not with Afriag Global plc. Afriag Global plc only have interest of 40% in Afriag pty.Again it was Afriag Global plc that announced the news, but it was news for Afriag pty. From the year end accounts, Afriag global made crumbs from their 40% interest I initially thought it was exciting, but then I read it again. All the news is for the SA branch. Until I see some improvement on the SP, which would indicate to me that there is serious interest in Afriag Global, it is all smoke, pardon the pun. They couldnt even keep it listed on AIM for goodness sake
Re: WE SHOULD EXPECT SOME PR THEN AfriAg is not privately owned. I've got 1.6m shares in AfriAg, quoted on NEX,House of Hemp is a private company. At the moment, website under review.From the news release:-AfriAg Global PLC, the London listed global food and logistics group, announces that AfriAg (Pty) Ltd (AfriAg, the Companys 40% owned agri-logistics specialist, and their joint venture partner in their southern African medical cannabis initiative, LGC Capital (TSXV: QBA), have signed sole and exclusive agreements to acquire a 60% interest in South Africas House of Hemp. The House of Hemp in South Africa has a long term lease on the only certified indoor growing facility for the possession and cultivation of the Cannabis Sativa Plant for research purposes which includes growing, extraction and packaging, at the Dube TradePort AgriZone, which is located within the highly secure precinct of the Durban International Airport. The Greenhouse Block D site is currently the only approved hemp/cannabis indoor growing site in South Africa . The site consists of approx. 37,633m² (405,000 square feet) of fully equipped, temperature regulated and humidity controlled greenhouse under glass plus associated support infrastructure comprising refrigerated pack houses, laboratories and offices covering 1,760m 2 (19,000 square feet). In 2010 House of Hemp became the first private company in South Africa to be awarded an exclusive permit from the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health to legally cultivate and process hemp and cannabis products and has licences in place to import cannabis seed and products. Since its establishment, the House of Hemp has been targeting research on all cannabis-related markets (textiles/fibres, oil/nutrition and medicinal) and has been appointed to coordinate commercial research on medical cannabis and is currently in the process of securing a second R&D license to grow and commercialize medicinal cannabis and medicinal cannabis products with varying Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC
and CBD content, and to operate legally in South Africa .Apart from this latest initiative, looks good to me. With AfriAg's UK Marketing arm, getting lined up for post Brexit.That's my view. With DL, Hamish Harris and Donald Strang running the company, looks good.YB
WE SHOULD EXPECT SOME PR THEN It doesnt say which branch of Afriag will be paying this $37k a month of House of Hemp. Cynically then, would presume it is to come out of the few thousand crumbs we were thrown from Afriag SA, Dont suppose for one minute the privately owned Afriag will be putting up fundsOn the bright side, we could expect some PR to lift the SP. The rest of the money will need to be raised from somewhere. Placing anyone?From the RNSLGC and AfriAg have jointly signed a binding agreement with the House of Hemp in South Africa, for the sole and exclusive right to acquire a 60% beneficial interest in the House of Hemp and upon signing this agreement have committed to make an initial payment of CDN $19,595 within the next two days. LGC and AfriAg have also committed to pay an additional amount of CDN $37,000 by July 28th to House of Hemp for next month's (August 2017) general overheads, salaries and growing facility lease payments. LGC and AfriAg will continue paying CDN $37,000 monthly for a period of six months to keep House of Hemp fully funded while completing the transfer of interest documentation and to allow for sufficient time to complete investigative studies on the most cost efficient ways of commencing scalable production. As part of the transaction, LGC and AfriAg have also committed to secure the necessary CDN $4.9 million estimated to commence large scale trial production within the Dube TradePort Block D greenhouses as soon as development plans are finalised.
the link to RNS [link] Global PLC, the London listed global food and logistics group, announces that AfriAg (Pty) Ltd (AfriAg, the Companys 40% owned agri-logistics specialist, and their joint venture partner in their southern African medical cannabis initiative, LGC Capital (TSXV: QBA), have signed sole and exclusive agreements to acquire a 60% interest in South Africas House of Hemp.
nearly got excited with all the buzz but then realised it doesnt really affect us shareholders here, does it?The great tie up with LGC and the grand cannabis growing production, nope, not usIt all belongs to the Afriag pty (the SA one that makes millions and throws a few crumbs over to Afriag Global plc), not to mention lots of divis and directors.consultant fees for pty lotLots and lots and lots of yummy blxxdy lots of congratulations to LGC, sorry nothing doing hereBig fat misled, thats what we got
Joint venture with LGC Sounds like a good bit of news. Hopefully it will lift Afriag via LGC buying in. Hopefully this will be the start of moving up from where we sit, at the bottom of NEXInteresting article, link below, re the indigenous people[link]
for "Kenny" I thought you were pushing it a bit, however[link] majority of Vanduzi's fresh produce will end up on UK and European supermarket shelves such as Sainsbury, Tesco, M&S, Aldi and Asda plus leading international fresh food supplier, Bakkavor.Supposing Afriag had the two year contract renewed that is. We cant rely on any info being accurate or up to date
Re: must have missed this Morning aka,Must agree, until AFRI comes off NEX or pays a divi (it's been a few years since I've had divi off anyone) not much interest from investors.AFRI is flying well below the radar of all investors, private or otherwise. Hang in there. YB
Re: must have missed this thanks ybhereChecked with Peterhouse Corporate. DJ means nothing, simply DowJones news serviceEverything else, we will have to waitTrouble is there is lack of trust here. everything is viewed with suspicion because we know there is somethings they dont want us to know about. That leads to more mistrust. The Nomad no longer necessary so nobody to say you cant do this and this to shareholders or not tell them the truth (not that that made any difference to many)We wait then but until it comes off NEX I dont see how there can be any interest from ordinary investors. If we were told there is going to be this, this and this happening it may light a spark. Right now unfortunately, I am regretting my investment here, only because I dont know what is happening, or even a true view of the structureLike you say, time will tell
Re: must have missed this Morning aka,Good to hear from you. I was beginning to think I was talking to myself here.Must admit, DJ AfriAg is a new one on me. Wonder if this is laying the groundwork for ANOTHER subsidiary. Otherwise, haven't a clue.I tend to look at the three Directors ( 3 Amigo's ) David Lenigas, Hamish Harris and Donald Strang who've worked together for a good few years. With the 3 of them running AfriAg, I look at what else they are up to, Anglo African Agriculture, Primorus, Polemos, and what these other companies are up to, Fresho, Hanwa and no doubt more, yet to be discovered.DJ AfriAg one of them perhaps.If nothing else, interesting to see how this is evolving. My view is that with DL's past experience, AfriAg is growing not from the bottom up as most companies do. More like it is growing from the top down.In other words, AfriAg Golbal, AfriAg International, AfriAg Marketing and AfriAg SA is the top providing the infrastructure and logistics. Other industries can then be added on to the infrastructure to build up the base. Those companies would then have immediate access to the full AfriAg Global logistics Group of companies. My guess is that Companies such as AAAP, Fresho, Hanwa and others are making up the base.I look at the way the Stobart Group has evolved and is still evolving, from a trucking company.Just my view which may be totally out. Time will tell.YB
must have missed this DJ Afriag Globalwhat is the DJ? anyone?
and what about EMATUM why havent Afriag SA pty gone and got themselves some of those rusting tuna vessels sat in the ports at Mozambique. Could get them for a bargain i would have thoughtApparently not passed by EU, but I hardly think southern Africa needs EU for a market for their Tunaarticle dated May 2016[link] dated Jan 2017 - Mozambique about to default on payments[link]
and further The results [link] which says Afriag Global (formerly Afriag plc) was formed 4 years with a view to forming a global agri logistics company. It goes on to remind us of its principal aims of moving said products in and out of Africa, be it fresh or perishables from a well equipped facility at OR Tambo.................Airport. The AfriAg HQ is a full-service logistics facility equipped with the latest facilitiesWell, credit where its due, if they have done this in such a short time, and procured (bought leased or borrowed) all these new trucks. Then true they have done wellBut......where did ATM come in, where did CK come in? We were not told we were buying these companies. We were told that Afriag Pty was an emerging logistics company. Not buying into a company ATM that already had producing assets and logistics operationsthe by, we were treated to a view of the Afriag magazine of Dec-March 2015. The one that looked like something straight out of the 1960s. What happened to any further editions or was that just a bit of PR for the roadshowNeed more honest, transparent info from this companyThis herb company, is it part of Afriag plc., Afriag pty, Afriag SA or stand alone and Afriag ptySA simply transport the products. Does Afriag of any arm have an involvement in this company We are told we are IAG largest customer, does Afriag arms have any investment in this International airline group?
Does anybody know who this company is? When it set out, the company I bought into, was Afriag plc. Registered Isle of Man? but that is not so important to me.This company I thought I had bought into then bought a 40% interest into Afriag pty, an emerging logistic company for agri stuff in South Africa. In some parts of the latest results this Afriag pty is referred to as Afriag SA"Specialist global agri-logistics group AfriAg SA, continues to grow at a fast "yet further down, and in other parts it is referred to as pty" * The Group's 40% owned agri-logistics investment, AfriAg (Pty) Ltd, gross"Further down the line Afriag plc changed its name to Afriag Global and within that group we have Afriag Marketingin between that we are told that Afriag pty or is it SA hold ATM., a tobacco manufacturing and producing company, also CK a water company that also lends its name to cigarettes. Presumably the cigarettes of ATMSo then, I invested in Afriag plc, that were invested in Afriag Pty, which I originally thought was a new and emerging logistics company. It became apparent to me that this emerging company was not really a new emerging company, but already a well established company with different arms in marketing and manufacturing (the water, the cigarettes0 (the Afriag Pty or Afriag SA "Group"The Afriag Global which started out with transporting stone fruit via pty. Afriag marketing we are told are involved in moving agri stuff, fruit , vegetables, we were told fish (wasnt that going into China) and then we were told not fish, we were told lucerne but never heard anymore about thatSo now we have Afriag SA or Pty who have taken the employees of another company, One of the employees of Afriag Pty or SA? is involved in payroll and HR for both Afriag and this other company, Why?Is everyone confused and not more than a little bit concerned?The board need to get this sorted and let us know exactly who is who and who owns whatWere AIM as confused as I am?
Re: Final Results Morning all,'Still making an operational loss though'!! Granted, still an operational loss BUT, reducing that loss from £96,000 to £9,000 is not bad going. 'The Groups net loss after taxation for the year was £9,000 (2015 - £96,000 loss).'Considering the Company has only been going 4 years, I think there's many an established company let alone a new starter would love to have such results. Group Results for the period: The Groups gross turnover has increased by over 54% to £3.035 million for the year (2015 - £1.977 million). The Groups net loss after taxation for the year was £9,000 (2015 - £96,000 loss). The Groups current assets including cash at 31 December 2016 amounted to £1,261,000 (2015 -£810,000). The Groups 40% owned agri-logistics investment, AfriAg (Pty) Ltd, gross turnover increased 91% to£11.704 million (2015 - £6.122 million) and reported a net profit of £104,000 (2015 - £359,000).Strategic Review for the Period:AfriAg Global was formed only 4 years ago with the view of establishing a global agri-logistics company, with the principal aim of exporting African perishable food products to the global market place. We are now seeing this business plan coming together as envisaged and are now rapidly expanding our operations to providing elitelogistic solutions for the timely movement of perishable food not only from Africa to the world but also from the world in to Africa.At the heart of our business is our own global network, fleet and staff based in Johannesburg at our large modernfacilities near O.R. Tambo International Airport. The AfriAg HQ is a full-service logistics facility equipped with thelatest facilities to meet our customers demanding needs.And our global partner network spans strategic road, air and sea routes harnessing our resources across thisnetwork enables us to deliver bespoke logistics solutions for our customers.We have strong relationships with our freight counterparties and their branches, fleet, facilities and infrastructure in locations across Europe, Asia, North Americas, and the Middle East.AfriAg has grown to supply our customers with world class global logistics delivering across our global footprint, international and domestic freight transport services, distribution and refrigerated warehousing servicesthrough to remote haulage logistics, aviation and marine logistics support services.AfriAg Global plc (formerly AfriAg plc)Delivering these services are our main priority. Collectively, they enable us to efficiently and effectively deliver the solutions our customers are looking for, right around the world.Considering the Directors other business connections, I doubt they work in isolation, Anglo African Agriculture (AAAP) and Primorus investment in Australian Fresho to name two. Post Brexit, the UK AfriAg Marketing Division is well placed.AfriAg has just left the launch pad, but there again, I'm biased as I'm in and holding all three companies.Just my view.YB