African Potash Forum

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14:06 26/08/2016

AVN bid TALK Avanti Communications [link]

10:41 01/12/2015

(STAR) Starcom has been trialled by the UN 1st December 2015 [link] The Watchlock is a heavy duty padlock with a sensor attached which sends an sms message or email when it’s opened or tampered with....

13:01 18/11/2015

‏@RichensJ1 5 mins5 minutes ago @OB1trade #IRG # MicroCaPicks Independent Resources (LON:IRG) [link] …..

09:24 12/11/2015

A look into the future 14th NOV no less [link] To frack or not to frack: investing either way Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead... and if it doesn’t

00:49 28/10/2015

OXS tomorrow?

10:52 27/10/2015

/EXCELLENT RNS just now in WRES.... will do delayed rerating like AFPO a week after RNS IMHO

10:39 26/10/2015

this will drift back down. typical. hopefully more action in WRES later this week

10:32 26/10/2015


12:43 23/10/2015

Doc Holiday ‏@DDS_Doc_Holiday APC TECHNOLOGY/APC BID recieved

12:18 23/10/2015

fanfare over the summer. [link]
