Abcam leads the world in microRNA Wonder why I am such a fan of Abcam? Abcam has developed a whole new field of biological research and knocked spots off the competition with "Firefly".Quote: Biomarkers allow us to predict, diagnose or monitor disease. As miRNA research has expanded into a huge number of disease areas, it has become clear that expression levels of certain miRNAs are altered in many diseases. As such, the potential of these small non-coding RNAs as biomarkers has become obvious. Unquote.For those interested in a little science here is a link about why miRNAs make ideal biomarkers of disease. In my personal view I predict they will become routine tools in medicine.I apologise for the long web page address below[link]
Re: Solid dividend player with healthy b... Abcam is a solid company with great global prospects in the USA and the East (particularly China and Singapore). Being at the cutting edge of research means bioreagents are often so new that the general scientific community does not know about them. Abcam sponsors many conferences and produces guides to assist scientists. Feedback from scientists then encourages more researchers. It is a virtuous circle that sucks in ever more scientists. Although Abcam is a British company most research takes place in other places and Abcam is a major UK exporter.In my opinion Simply Wall Street does not understand Abcam at all. It is laughable that future prospects are marked as negligible because the investment in proven technology and growing exports particularly to China points to a bright future indeed.Having a high PE ratio in my view is justified. I have done well by buying cheap (like now) and selling high. My initial investment has gone up 600%. If you are prepared to wait sentiment will turn and you should be well rewarded. If you want an alternative try Gilead the USA drug manufacturer. Big in HIV and liver disease. GILD makes eye watering profits. PE ratio is only 8.4 Price set to rise after US elections IMHO. I am long on both these stocks.
Re: Solid dividend player with healthy balan... That may be true but sp still 8% down so far this year.Not a happy investo
Solid dividend player with healthy balance sheet. Summary of this report on Abcam [link]
Shocking drop in SP today - so topped up Shocking drop in SP today. So I topped up at 590! Been waiting for an opportunity like this. The main risk is the high PE ratio of 31.5. But the company is growing at 18% pa so that is easily deserved. The product are tested and validated and used across the world in science and universities. With such diversified markets the risk is spread. The way I see it scientists need to publish papers. Universities need projects to keep their departments working. It is a competitive situation and more scientists are being trained every year. They all need good reagents. Abcam is trusted and is in a unique situation so has little competition.The newest corporate add-on is AxioMx in Connecticut, U.S. AxioMx's technology can produce high quality antibodies within weeks, significantly faster than in vivo methods. I believe The US government is already using this in Ebola research and there should be demand from the new threat of Zika virus. A huge world of scientific possibilities. buying into Abcam you have a highly diversified portfolio in one company - hence I have no qualms in being over-weight. Always DYOR.
Re: Gloom and doom or perhaps zoom You clearly understand Abcam's business better than most of us! Or at least talk the language! Well done. I am very happy with the interim results and have convidence in the management of this business. A good long term investment in my opinion.
Gloom and doom or perhaps zoom Abcam announcing interims tomorrow.Everyone expecting great things so SP trending ever higher.I would like to hear some rabbiting about Epitomics rabbit monoclonal antibody technology which is now used in pathology labs to diagnose prostate cancer and other tumours.Also about Firefly used to screen for microRNAs. Humans have thousands of microRNAs circulating in the blood. Important as these silence genes at the DNA level.Will investors be happy or disappointed? Hard to say but keeping life scientists across the world happy with great tools must be good all round.I remain long.
Re: This is what I like to see Pharma,"the exemption from inheritance tax is for the owners is a significant attraction"I'm glad you agree with me, though it does seem morally wrong that someone with a few million quid invested in an AIM share should be able to avoid IHT whereas someone else with an equal amount in a main market share would have to pay 40% IHT on everything over the IHT-free allowance.I accept (I think!) that, in order to persuade people to invest in AIM companies, some incentives are necessary but IHT exemption seems a bridge too far.That reminds me ... I must deduct the value of my Abcam shares from my potential estate for IHT calculation purposes!LKH on the flybridge
Re: This is what I like to see Yes I am sure you are right in saying that the exemption from inheritance tax is for the owners is a significant attraction. All things being equal, I prefer AIM listed shares to those on the main exchange for this reason. Some of my biggest AIM holdings are in companies where long term family ownership makes it highly likely that the company will stay on AIM indefinitely because of the inheritance tax exemption.
Re: This is what I like to see Kilindidni,"if being stuck on AIM, with some potential holders prevented thereby from buying it, is the price of avoiding 40% IHT, well so be it."Sorry, a few words left out.LKH etc
Re: This is what I like to see Kilindidni,"What I do not understand is why the Company remains in the AIM market."I know what you mean, m8. I usually avoid AIM shares like the plague, because there are so many munters on AIM. This puppy is my only AIM holding and I only bought it because of Jeff Iliffe's position as a NED at Treatt (he's FD at Abcam). Certainly Abcam is big enough to be on the main market ... it must be one of the top six AIM shares in terms of market cap. It is FAR bigger, for example, than Treatt which just happens to be my biggest single shareholding, and is on the main market.However, a lot of the big bonobos in Abcam have chunky personal stakes in Abcam, and one of the advantages of an AIM listing is that some shares on AIM let the holder's estate avoid Inheritance Tax. Not sure if Abcam is one of them ... I suspect it probably is because I would have thought that it qualifies for business property relief, which is the trigger for avoiding IHT, which is levied at 40%. 40% is worth avoiding! And if being stuck on AIM, with some potential holders prevented thereby from buying it, well so be it. LKH on the flybridge it's a tough call
Re: This is what I like to see Totally agree. What I do not understand is why the Company remains in the AIM market. My understanding is that this market is far less regulated. For me, that is a worry.
This is what I like to see From the RNS today:"We continue to capture market share with growth rates of 3-4 times that of the market."Say no more! Well done, Abcam.LKH on the flybridge
Re: 2016 Pharma,"It's up over 30% over the year (excluding divis)"I tell a lie ... I see that it's actually up over 40% according to ii.LKH etc
Re: 2016 Pharma,"This is one of my favourite shares."Me too. I "found" Abcam because Jeff Iliffe, the FD, is a NED at my biggest holding (Treatt). In trying to find out why Treatt might have appointed him I decided that Abcam itself was an attractive investment. It's up over 30% over the year (excluding divis) which is a very nice return ... even better than the nice return I've had from Treatt over 2015.LKH at the LK Wash & Valet