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09:27 31/07/2014

i honestly have no idea where this is going

09:26 31/07/2014

i need to change my pants

09:25 31/07/2014

please dont spike me ........

09:25 31/07/2014

got in at 1.28

09:22 31/07/2014

looks v nice

09:21 31/07/2014

no a scooby but the headline of rnd looks good lol 'RED RABBIT GOLD PROJECT: MINE 100% FINANCED '

09:20 31/07/2014

a nice 20% profit here will do me nicely, up you go AAU who I know absolutely nothing about

09:18 31/07/2014


09:18 31/07/2014

i like special coins....

09:18 31/07/2014

i hope so
